Servicii funerare complete

sa te ajutam
In astfel de momente grele
noi suntem aici pentru tine
Serviciile noastre complete
iti vor usura sarcinile
Acoperim toti pasii in organzarea unei inmormantari .
de la strictul necesar , pana la ultimele detalii
Repatrieri persoane
Suntem alaturi de dumneavoastra si ne angajam sa aducem persoana
pierduta inapoi acasa in cele mai bune conditii si in cel mai scurt timp.

General Price List

The Federal Trade Commission regulates funeral homes and has established a series of rules called The Funeral Rule.

The Funeral Rule protects consumers’ right to purchase funeral goods and services separately. You do not have to accept a package that includes items you do not want.

The Funeral Rule requires every funeral home to have a General Price List. It is a written, itemized price list of all the items and services the funeral home offers. The General Price List will be your guide to comparing funeral costs in your area.

Some funeral homes will publish their General Price List online. If you don’t see it on the funeral home’s website, you can call or email them to ask them to send you a copy.

Phone: +40 741 934 136
Fax: +40 260 662 042
Adresa noastra
Str. Andrei Saguna Nr. 28 , Zalau , Salaj